Today I went to Mrs. Almonds 4th grade class at 1:30 and I graded some papers for Mrs. Almond, then I got to go outside to recess with the students. When we came inside, Mrs almond was dressed up like a scientist, in a white lab coat and eye protection. All the students knew it was time for science and were very excited. The students have been working on the Utah land zones unit, so to prepare the students for the big test tomorrow, Mrs. Almond had the students split up in 3 teams and play Jeopardy. It was very cute, and the students had a blast.
At 2:30 I went to Mrs. Greenfield's 2nd grade class and the students were filling out their individual November calendars and then they worked on some reading. I walked around and helped the students who needed it. After that, Mrs. Greenfield had me pass out the Scholastic weekly readers to each student and put her weekly reader on the smart board. Mrs. Greenfield let me help with the smart board a little, I thought that was pretty neat. The weekly reader was about the presidential election. The students got to learn a little bit more about Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney and about ballots and the election day and some rules. The students got to play a little game where they voted on some things in the classroom, to see how voting works. At 3:30 the students got ready to go and sat on the rug to read before going home.
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