Yesterday in Mrs. Almond's classroom the students were learning about different kinds of rocks in science. They made an "igneous rock" in the form of fudge. All the different ingredients represented different minerals, and then when they boiled the "minerals" that represented the extreme heat it takes under the earth to form the rocks. The kids loved it and then they got to eat their "igneous rocks".
In Mrs. Greenfield's class the students were having their weekly math competition with the other 2nd grade classes. Mrs. Greenfield's class won the competition again. They have never lost a competition this year. Each class lines up and then one student from each class is given a math question. The first student to answer it correctly gets back in line, the other student sits down. The last class standing wins. After that, the students went outside for recess. When the students came back inside, they worked in their March riddle books, which have riddles that the students have try to figure out about spring and gardening. Each student took turns reading the different riddles and then answering them. After working in their riddle book, the students went to the rug and Mrs. Greenfield read to them until it was time to go home.
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