Today I went to Iron Springs Elementary at 1:30 and helped Mrs. Almond. I cut some papers for her and then took half of the students to another room and played a game with them while she tested the rest of the class. We played a game called Cherry Pie. I would tell the students one of their spelling words and then they would each take turns saying the next letter that comes in the word. Then after the word has been spelled, the last person says the word and then the next person is out and we all say, "Cherry Pie". The kids loved the game. We also had a challenge round with the vocabulary words.
I went to Mrs. Greenfield's room at 2:30 and stayed until 3:30. The students have been working hard making lots and lots of Christmas chains, and the whole classroom was decked out in colorful chains. They were still working on Christmas traditions around the world, and today they were learning about Germany. In Germany they call Santa Claus, Father Christmas. After that they worked on a Christmas tree art project. Then Mrs. Greenfield's husband brought their new 11 week old puppy to the classroom and all the kids got to sit in a circle while the puppy walked around visiting with them. They loved it. To end the day, Mrs. Greenfield finished the book "The Witches" by Rhonald Dahl.
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