My name is Hilary Beck and I am currently attending Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. I am majoring in Elementary Education with an emphasis on early childhood. I have a strong desire to be an educator because I want to make a difference in our future, and I believe strongly that our future begins in the classroom.
This last school year I spent 45 hours volunteering at Iron Springs Elementary for my EDGE Project. My EDGE project has given me much opportunity to assist in the community as well as giving me experience in the classroom. I am grateful for the time I have had to work in Mrs. Almond's and Mrs. Greenfield's classrooms because I know that many of the tools I have learned while working with these wonderful teachers I will be able to take with me and use in my own classroom one day.
I feel that teachers have a high demand placed on them with very little support and funding. I also believe that if more parents and grandparents and volunteers from the community would give of their time and energy to assist in the classrooms that we could all help in the cause to better our education system and the ultimate future of our nation.
Our future will only be as good as our classroom.